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New Town Recycling Plan

Recycling in the town is now “Single Stream Recycling”, which means no sorting beforehand is necessary.

1. All recyclable items — paper, cardboard, plastic, metal and glass — need to be mixed together loosely in one bin.

2. Lids and labels should be left on recyclable containers, which should be empty and rinsed before recycling.

3. Recyclables must be placed in your designated recycling bin (a durable, lidded, plastic or metal container of your choice, 35 gallon maximum), marked with a sticker. More than one recycling bin is OK.

4. Do not place recyclables in plastic bags for collection. No string, no bags, no trash allowed.

For more information on recycling, waste disposal or special programs, call the Recycling Info Line at 518-736-5504 or visit the county website at:

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